Sleep of the Crow (2024)


Sleep of the Crow (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

6.1/10 from 31 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Crime Drama

 Starring by:

Ahmet Aggün Alperen Aktas Nesrin Yari

 Directed by:

Tunahan Kurt







 Story Plot: A quiet and calm person who grew up in Germany and worked as the responsible manager in a mine transfer facility that had not been functioning for 4 years, Nasip (32) murdered his wife Sultan by strangling her, while she is asleep, but managed to conceal the incident by posturing it as a suicide. Nasip, who is afraid of killing his son İsmail (7) in his sleep at night, tries to protect him by locking his son and himself in different departments of the establishment routinely every night . Determined to commit suicide with the guilt he is experiencing, Nasip, has to find a family for his son that he can trust.

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